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Clean Air Pledge

September 28, 2023

Clean Air Pledge

Scan the QR code above and join Earth Science Beauty in taking the clean air pledge. Collectively we have the power to make change for cleaner air in our communities. Help us spread the word because small actions can make a world of difference. As a small business, it's in our DNA to work responsibly. We're making changes to clear the air, like keeping our manufacturing local, sourcing local, and commuting fewer days. So pack your lunch, ride your bike, and check @earthsciencebeauty before starting your car, not after. Don't forget to turn off lights and computers when not in use. As small as replacing filters or planting a tree, it all adds up to cleaner air. And mark your calendar for California Clean Air Day on October 4th. Use code CLEANAIR23 for 20% off all products to show your clean air spirit (valid on orders completed on 10/04/2023 only).

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